Pastors’ Support Programme


Thousands of Pastors and Christian workers have dedicated their lives to serve the Lord in some of the most tough and harshest places of Pakistan.  

The Pakistani Church is one of the most persecuted and oppressed churches in the world.

Serving under a radical Muslim culture and political oppression is not easy at all. The Pakistani Church is very poor and does not have many opportunities in life.

RHEA Pastors’ Support Program is one little step to encourage and provide for such pastors and Christian workers, faithful servants who have dedicated their lives to look after their Master’s sheep in most difficult circumstances. 

With a gift of £100 a month we can make a huge difference in a Christian workers life. RHEA Ministries would like to invite churches, individuals and organisations to join their hands with ours by providing prayer and giving to these brave men and women of God.

So far, we are supporting six full time Christian workers across Pakistan.

It is our hope and prayer that we would be able to add many more to this program.

For this we need your prayers and support. Let us make a difference.